Thanks for visiting my site!
I hope that here you will find some basic information, interesting articles, and recordings to assist students in their musical development.
Enjoy your visit! I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Latest News from my studio...
Life always throws some interesting curves...
Just when I was getting into the swing of plans for the 2015 Fall season, On September 10, I got diagnosed with an advanced stage of pancreatic cancer. Since then, life has been filled with chemotherapy, doctor appointments, and reeovery.
My doctors say staying active and engaged is a good thing though, so when possible, I’ll schedule a limited number of students. If you want to be on that list and can be flexible, just let me know.
Other than that, my whole family certainly appreciates your prayers and kind thoughts. If you want to be in touch, my email and phone number are listed here. Medical updates will be posted at:
Thank you!
Contact Me
Located on North Street in Bethlehem PA